Watch all four (4) of the beginner training videos below carefully, then take the online written exam by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page. Goddess Brianna will personally correct your exam and respond with your score.

Complete the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Courses with a 90% passing grade or higher and you will earn a three (3) month FREE MEMBERSHIP to

* Remember, Passing Grade must be 90% or higher!

Beginner Course #1: Foot Slave Postures
Pre-requisites: None
Required Tools: None

Course Description: Since you are merely a footboy at this juncture, your first lesson will be in slave postures. Learn and perfect yourself in these 3 important basic slave positions. While serving me you will be expected to know and execute these positions when called upon.

Beginner Course #2: Foot Massage 101
Pre-requisites: Foot Slave Postures
Required Tools: None

Course Description: A foundational part of a foot slave's job is to keep his Goddess's feet soothed and relaxed. The highest of all treats for both the Goddess and her subject in the foot slave relationship is the beloved foot massage. Understand how Goddess Brianna requires her feet to be attended to, especially those specific spots she shares in this course.

Beginner Course #3: Foot Worship for Dummies
Pre-requisites: Foot Slave Postures, Foot Massage 101
Required Tools: None

Course Description: Lesson #1, Do NOT touch my feet unless I have specifically told you to use your hands! That's right, you are not allowed to use your hands during foot worship. Worship is done with your mouth, and your mouth ONLY. If you did not know that, that is precisely the reason you are here at Goddess Brianna's Foot Slave College. Goddess will teach you the proper way; so pay attention, hands at your sides!!!

Beginner Course #4: A "How To Do It Yourself"
Pre-requisites: Foot Slave Postures, Foot Massage 101, Foot Worship for Dummies
Required Tools: None

Course Description: Footslaves exist for the sole use and amusement of their Goddess. And their release is the most amusing of all their filthy slave needs. So naturally you must learn to release ONLY as I, your Goddess, allows. This course is designed to educate you on "how to" do yourself as I instruct. Don't forget the 3 rules....


Once you have watched all four (4) of the beginner training videos, take the online written exam below. Goddess Brianna will personally correct your exam and respond with your score. If you pass with a 90% or higher, you will be one step closer to earning a three (3) month FREE MEMBERSHIP to

*Passing Grade must be 90% or higher


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